On Wed, 2010-03-17 at 16:20 +0100, Bram Matthys (Syzop) wrote:

> Unfortunately, here it does not seem to work.
> This patch included everything for the fix, right? I didn't need both this one
> and the 2.6.33-rc6.diff ? They seem very very similar anyway...

Yes, you only need the latest diff.

> Janjaap asked me to try remounting my ext3 with 'sync' a week ago, sorry for
> not getting back to you earlier, I've now tried it with this kernel:
> Speed is very much degraded. So it's slow, and what's also interesting is that
> 'cp' does not even appear in 'top' (low cpu %), process status is 'D', and the
> load is 1.50.
> So yes, this seems to fix the error, but the speed is far too bad. I'll stay
> on 2.6.32 for now.

You can also check whether different block sizes for the file system
give better results. If you use ext3, you probably have a default value
of 4096 bytes. The lowest possible is 1024 bytes for ext3. You can try
that on a new file system.



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