Hash: SHA1


Matthias Rieber wrote:
> Am 16.03.2010 22:29, schrieb Janjaap Bos:
>> On Sat, 2010-03-13 at 11:37 +0100, Matthias Rieber wrote:
>> --snip--
>> I traced down the problem to the sector handling in ubd. There is a bug
>> in the ubd driver handling of multi sector requests. I added code to
>> restrict block requests to one sector (512 bytes) only. See attached
>> revised diff against 2.6.33.
> I repeated the test several times and the data corruption doesn't occur 
> again. Your patch seems to work. Thanks!

Unfortunately, here it does not seem to work.
This patch included everything for the fix, right? I didn't need both this one
and the 2.6.33-rc6.diff ? They seem very very similar anyway...

So this is 2.6.33 + 2.6.33.diff + the one line change for static kernels to 

md5sum: ./test.bin: Input/output error
567b92358d66f037de87eccd92632581  ./test.bin
7c173dba3dc166aa1d833b3a29d2a66d  ./test.bin
2c395fd242a0b5d816f2a8272755fd48  ./test.bin
md5sum: ./test.bin: Input/output error
7c173dba3dc166aa1d833b3a29d2a66d  ./test.bin

And still this:
attempt to access beyond end of device
ubda: rw=0, want=13611086600, limit=4096000
attempt to access beyond end of device
ubda: rw=0, want=22703286936, limit=4096000
attempt to access beyond end of device
ubda: rw=0, want=30756499728, limit=4096000
attempt to access beyond end of device
ubda: rw=0, want=16716066768, limit=4096000

Janjaap asked me to try remounting my ext3 with 'sync' a week ago, sorry for
not getting back to you earlier, I've now tried it with this kernel:
Speed is very much degraded. So it's slow, and what's also interesting is that
'cp' does not even appear in 'top' (low cpu %), process status is 'D', and the
load is 1.50.

So yes, this seems to fix the error, but the speed is far too bad. I'll stay
on 2.6.32 for now.

Hope it helps,


- --
Bram Matthys
Software developer/IT consultant        sy...@vulnscan.org
PGP key:                       www.vulnscan.org/pubkey.asc
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