Christian H. Kuhn wrote:
>> - It wouldn't quite solve your problem, as you would still need to make 
>> sure that packets sent to the host's eth0 on are forwarded to 
>> the machine (or whatever you have set up the guest as). I'm 
>> not sure how you do this in linux, but it should be possible I think.
> That's a simple NAT with the help of iptables. The main difference is
> that would not be routed to and from the internet, so you
> have to translate the private to the public IP and
> keep track of the translated connections. Really no problem.
> But that solves not the main problem. From host OS, i can reach the
> guest OS by ping, but how do i get inside?
The way I did it was:

- with uml stopped, chroot into the uml machine's filesystem, set up 
apt, and install ssh.
- start uml with networking, and ssh to the relevant address.

This is working fine for me.


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