Hi Andy,

Thank you for your answer.

& andy baxter <a...@earthsong.free-online.co.uk> [2009-08-23 09:52]:
> Not sure about this but I'm wondering if your problem is that you're 
> trying to access uml through a tap device on the same network as your 
> host machine's ethernet interface.

In your example, you use only private IPs, while i have public
IPs. But i'll give it a try.

> - It wouldn't quite solve your problem, as you would still need to make 
> sure that packets sent to the host's eth0 on are forwarded to 
> the machine (or whatever you have set up the guest as). I'm 
> not sure how you do this in linux, but it should be possible I think.

That's a simple NAT with the help of iptables. The main difference is
that would not be routed to and from the internet, so you
have to translate the private to the public IP and
keep track of the translated connections. Really no problem.

But that solves not the main problem. From host OS, i can reach the
guest OS by ping, but how do i get inside?

Kind regards,

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