2009/4/14 Marcel <sourcefo...@schwirtz.eu>:
> I attached the tar.bz2 file which contains the files:
> mprotect.c
> mprotect.c.orig
> mprotect.c.rej

Well, you should be able to fix this up by hand.  Quite why it fails
to apply, I couldn't say.  I can only guess that your Debian kernel
sources have other patches in them, either way, you can see from the
.rej file that:

- asmlinkage long
- sys_mprotect(unsigned long start, size_t len, unsigned long prot)

Those two lines were trying to be removed, and replaced with:

+ long
+ do_mprotect(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long start, size_t len,
+            unsigned long prot)

If you do this by hand (fixup mprotect.c manually), you should be good
to go.  Obviously, you should generate a new .patchdile after this and
tests it applies cleanly and then try and compile and see what

Pretty trivial.

-- Thomas Adam

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