lanas wrote:
> When UMLs are started in the following way:
> screen -d -m -S UML1 <...>
> screen -d -m -S UML2 <...>
> screen -d -m -S UML3 <...>
> Then there's seemingly no way to have a main comsole and do Ctrl-A S-"
> switching between sessions.  So it means several terminals, each with
> its own 'screen -r <name>' when work/tests have to be performed on
> several UMLs.
> So that was the question: how to keep the 'switch console' while having
> several UMLs launched in batch mode (eventually at boot time).
This can be achieved either at boot time throug screenrc file or at run
rime with the Ctrl-a commands: start a screen session, type "Ctrl-a c".
You have a new terminal where you can start your second UML kernel --
you can give each multiplexed terminal a different name (Ctrl-a A), e.g.
the name of your uml system. Ctrl-a w or Ctrl-A " to get a list of
multiplexed terminals. man screen or "Ctrl-a ?" for more.
> It looks like, from a cursory browse of the link above, that it is
> possible to put the sessions in a resource file and then have the
> benefit of being able to use Ctrl-A S-".  So that's great.  The web
> site also seems to have a lot more about using screen, so thanks for
> the link.
Yes, every command available through Ctrl-a's can be scripted in
screenrc file.


> I'm also looking at ClusterSSH to perform simultaneous actions on
> several UMLs.
> Cheers.
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