2008/5/25 David Chanters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Flavio --
> 2008/5/25 Flavio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> It would be a great idea but, as you know, there's an official UML
>> website. Patches should be available at that site:
>> www.user-mode-linux.org at the download section. So that's no
>> necessity to place them on another server, but simply they could be
>> uploaded at that URL.
> OK -- that's no problem then, providing there is such a place.  :)  I
> note though that the URL you gave me (www.user-mode-linux.org) seems
> to take me straight to the sourceforge page for UML -- are they now
> one and the same resource?  Only there really is no difference (unless
> I am being blind) -- and indeed, it was from the sourceforge page I
> was made aware of the wiki in the first place.
http://www.user-mode-linux.org/ simply redirect to
It's the official UML web site. I wrote the first one because it's shorter! :)

> Or am I missing where the official UML page is located, if it's not on
> sourceforge?
No, you didn't miss anything! You're on the right place.

>  I ask because it's not the first time I have seen
> documentation link to user-mode-linux.org, only for it to link back to
> sourceforge.
> Kindly!
> David.
Feel free to ask more questions here.



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