2008/5/25 David Chanters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Flavio --
> 2008/5/25 Flavio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> 2008/5/25 David Chanters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> Ah, right -- thank you, and as you say I'll search the archives to
>>> find SKAS4.
>> Yes, here is the last patch:
>> http://marc.info/?l=user-mode-linux-devel&m=121088437926424&w=2
> Ah, yes.  I found that before you sent this reply, so at least I got
> that right.  :)
> I saved the entire diff output and attempted to apply it to the
> vanilla kernel 2.6.25 sources, but there's numerous rejects all over
> the place.  Do I need the GIT sources of the kernel for this to apply?
You have to copy and locally paste only the necessary parts, from
diff --git a/arch/um/include/as-layout.h b/arch/um/include/as-layout.h
+       return ret;
+} <- last line of the patch.

It worked for me.
You know how to apply it, isn't it?


>>> Does this mean (unlike SKAS3, as you mention) that when
>>> using SKAS4, I will have to compile the guests with SKAS4 as well as
>>> the host in order to make use of it?
>> Yes that's right!
>> I think it's a good thing to use only one patch for both guest and host 
>> kernel.
>> You have to apply that patch to the host sources and to the guest
>> kernel sources.
>> It's easy! :)
> Right -- I understand that now.  Thanks.  :)
> David.

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