vincent-perrier wrote:

> I tried to run a window manager on the clownix file system,
> it fails, but any other x program works, xterm, wireshark, 
> firefox ... works fine.
> If you manage to make a window manager work, and if there
> is some kind of hack for it, please tell me.

I work with a gui via VNC.
First, i installed tightvnc on my UML.
If you start the tightvncserver, it looks for a xstartup script in a 
directory called .vnc.

On my uml that script contains these lines:
x-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
fluxbox &

I use fluxbox as the window manager.

So whenever i run the tightvncserver, fluxbox automatically starts.

Then i can connect with a vnc client to the desktop of that uml machine.
You can even connect to it from a Windows machine.

You can also run it over ssh.


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