Hi Vincent,

  > -----Mensaje original-----
  > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] En nombre de clowncoder
  > Enviado el: lunes, 11 de febrero de 2008 21:47
  > Para: David Fernández
  > CC: user-mode-linux-user@lists.sourceforge.net
  > Asunto: Re: [uml-user] Easy to use uml-based network

  > Open-source competition, I love this, VNUML should also try to use
  > my new clownix networking switch, it is a more optimized way to
  > transfer packets from one interface to others.

Yes, I have a line in my (interesting) things-to-do list to have a look at your 
work and specially to your modified switch. I've just downloaded the latest 
version of uml_clownix_net to test it in the next days.

Could you summarize the new features of your switch? Is the interface 
compatible with uml_switch? Any doc or example of use?

Best regards,

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