Open-source competition, I love this, VNUML should also try to use
my new clownix networking switch, it is a more optimized way to
transfer packets from one interface to others.

I am working on the network display with graphviz, it will be
beautifull in a few weeks.

David Fernández wrote:
> Hi, 
> consider also to use VNUML ( It is an open 
> source tool designed to create virtual network scenarios (isolated or 
> connected to real equipment) that could be useful in your case.
> Best regards,
> David
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] En nombre de lanas
> Enviado el: viernes, 01 de febrero de 2008 2:42
> Asunto: Re: [uml-user] Easy to use uml-based network
> Le Samedi, 22 Dcembre 2007 18:14:45 +0100,
> clowncoder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a crit :
>> If you want to use uml to simulate a network, you can try the very
>> easy to use
>> network at, download uml_clownix_net_03.tar.gz,
>> (it is a bit
>> big) it contains an LFS-based file-system fully equiped for
>> compilation and network observation (tshark, tcpdump...), the uml
>> kernel and a software
>> that can simulate all the networking for this platform.
> It's great !  Exactly the thing I was looking for.  Well, not only
> looking for, but actually making.  I've used LFS for many years and I'm
> currently building a new system to use with UML.  Your system looks
> great and I'm sure I will get a few pointers out of it on how to do
> things and it will surely clear out a few questions I still have about
> UML... And moreover, at the same time I'm getting a pratical grip about
> VRRP and OSPF, so the timing is just great.
> Merci bien et salutations,
> Al
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