On Friday 24 March 2006 01:40, Jason Lunz wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 06:50:44PM -0500, Jeff Dike wrote:
> > You can make some progress by disabling CONFIG_MODE_TT - that will
> > cause UML to load at a normal address rather than the 0xa0000000 that
> > CONFIG_MODE_TT will force.
> >
> > That should get you to the point of trying to run init.
> >
> > Since you have skas3, my guess is that UML will be fine at that point.
> >
> > On a non-skas3 host, it will run in skas0 mode, and will expect to be
> > able to map a couple of pages at the top of the process address space
> > (hardcoded to 0xbfffe000 and 0xbffff000).  These offsets would need to
> > be calculated based on the host's split in order for skas0 to work.
> So I guess getting a 2.4 uml to work on any split other than 1G/3G is
> pretty unlikely. Oh well, I already knew 2.4 was on its way out. So this
> might be the thing that really forces me to use 2.6.

No, that's wrong - what David Lang described:
> I don't know about other non-standard memory configs, but there is an 
> explicit config option when compiling a uml kernel to support the 2G/2G 
> memory split.
was also supported by UML 2.4. I think unusual split and the UML trivial 
support for that were born and used when 4G/4G didn't exist yet (or maybe not 
even highmem?).

> 2.4 support aside, my aim is to have a single uml binary that will work
> on arbitrary host kernels. How difficult will it be to implement support
> for dynamic offsets for these pages in skas0?

I don't think it's easy - however, it can be done. Below my idea - Jeff, 
please comment on this

In assembly.
It goes like this:

call label /*this is coded like a relative jump, i.e. call +1*/
label: pop $eax /*we got the saved EIP*/

/* Now we can round EIP and subtract an offset to calculate the data page 

The only problem is that it must be done in assembly and at times this must be 
redone (we don't have enough registers to save the value across a 6-param 
syscall), and touching this code is a bit dangerous.

> Jason

Inform me of my mistakes, so I can keep imitating Homer Simpson's "Doh!".
Paolo Giarrusso, aka Blaisorblade (Skype ID "PaoloGiarrusso", ICQ 215621894)


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