On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 06:50:44PM -0500, Jeff Dike wrote:
> You can make some progress by disabling CONFIG_MODE_TT - that will
> cause UML to load at a normal address rather than the 0xa0000000 that
> CONFIG_MODE_TT will force.
> That should get you to the point of trying to run init.
> Since you have skas3, my guess is that UML will be fine at that point.
> On a non-skas3 host, it will run in skas0 mode, and will expect to be
> able to map a couple of pages at the top of the process address space
> (hardcoded to 0xbfffe000 and 0xbffff000).  These offsets would need to
> be calculated based on the host's split in order for skas0 to work.

So I guess getting a 2.4 uml to work on any split other than 1G/3G is
pretty unlikely. Oh well, I already knew 2.4 was on its way out. So this
might be the thing that really forces me to use 2.6.

2.4 support aside, my aim is to have a single uml binary that will work
on arbitrary host kernels. How difficult will it be to implement support
for dynamic offsets for these pages in skas0?


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