Thanks Scott – ok, I’ve got mergAVCamCaptureImage doing something now now so 
that’s a step in the right direction (I actually had a spelling syntax error – 
mergeAV instead of mergAV – doh). With respect to the barcode stuff, does that 
work on a captured image or does it access the specified camera directly? 
Looking at the code in the sample stack (which I now have) it seems like the 
latter but I didn’t get a response when I put a QR code in front of it.



BTW, where did you get the mergAV sample stack from

On 6/09/2016 4:58 pm, "use-livecode on behalf of Scott Morrow" 
< on behalf of> wrote:

    Hello Terry,
    The thing that tripped me up initially with mergAV (even though it was 
clearly part of the demo stack) was the two-part request for:
    mergAVRequestMediaAccess “audio"
    which, when granted then requests
    mergAVRequestMediaAccess “video”
    I didn’t figure that I needed to  request “audio” access for scanning a QR 
code. Fortunately Mike Kerner straightened me out. Audio access is required in 
order to use the camera. If that isn’t the problem then give another shout. (I 
switched from using mergZXing to mergAV when building an app that let my 
students scan QR codes.)
    Scott Morrow
    Elementary Software
    (Now with 20% less chalk dust!)
    office     1-800-615-0867
    > On Sep 5, 2016, at 11:27 PM, Terry Judd <> wrote:
    > Hi – I’m trying to build a simple iOS app to capture and decode QR codes 
(for marking student attendance at compulsory activities) and am a bit stuck 
getting the mergAV external to work its magic.
    > I can capture an image ok using the mergAVPick() function with the rear 
camera but I was thinking that perhaps I should be using mergAVCamCaptureImage 
instead? If so then I’m going wrong somewhere as it does nothing when I call 
that command. I’m assuming I need to call mergAVCamCreate first and then set it 
up using the mergAVCamSet command. Is that right?
    > I seem to recall someone mentioning that they were using mergAV 
successfully to ‘scan’ QR codes a while back (and that it was superior to 
mergXZing in that regard). Does anyone have any tips/samples they would be 
willing to share?
    > Best regards.
    > Terry...
    > Terry Judd  | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
    > Department of Medical 
    > The University of Melbourne<>
    > M: 0435 961 594  |  E:<>
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