Hi – I’m trying to build a simple iOS app to capture and decode QR codes (for 
marking student attendance at compulsory activities) and am a bit stuck getting 
the mergAV external to work its magic.

I can capture an image ok using the mergAVPick() function with the rear camera 
but I was thinking that perhaps I should be using mergAVCamCaptureImage 
instead? If so then I’m going wrong somewhere as it does nothing when I call 
that command. I’m assuming I need to call mergAVCamCreate first and then set it 
up using the mergAVCamSet command. Is that right?

I seem to recall someone mentioning that they were using mergAV successfully to 
‘scan’ QR codes a while back (and that it was superior to mergXZing in that 
regard). Does anyone have any tips/samples they would be willing to share?

Best regards.


Terry Judd  | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Department of Medical 
The University of Melbourne<http://www.unimelb.edu.au>
M: 0435 961 594  |  E: terry.j...@unimelb.edu.au<mailto:t...@unimelb.edu.au>

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