On 8/19/2016 3:02 PM, Ralph DiMola wrote:
How can a mobile scroller be in layer behind a field control?

It isn't really, it just acts like that.

I see the scroller getting created and do its usual short flash of the
scroll indicators but you can't use it but instead it sends mouseup to the
field that goes to another card that has scrolling results and that scroller
works perfect on the new card. Scrollers on other cards also work perfect.
I've used the mobile scroller many many times with no problems.
I moved the scroller rect below the field for a test and it is on top of all
the other controls and scrolls the field above as expected.
This happens only on Android. iOS works as expected.

I had to deal with something similar on Android the other day. It wasn't quite the same setup as yours, but similar. I worked around it by handling touchStart and touchEnd to do the scrolling and let the mouseUp in the control handle taps. The mouseUp is paired with a mouseDown and only triggers a tap if the vertical difference is more than 10 pixels.

There may be something odd about the Android implementation. You might consider submitting your stack to the QCC, it was a puzzle for me too.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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