J. Landman Gay wrote:

I think we're pretty evenly split between "c" and "u". I prefer "c" because
it is, after all, a custom property. Those who migrated from SuperCard
often prefer "u" because over there, I believe, they are called user

Richard's guide is pretty good and I follow the other conventions but I
can't get used to writing a "u" for something that starts with a "c".
Apparently the team feels the same.

Back in those early days, when I first started noticing the relatively consistent naming conventions in use among some xTalk programmers that I later documented in that article, OOP was just coming into vogue and at the time several authors were commonly use a "c" prefix to denote class definitions in some language (perhaps I first got it from a Dave Mark book? Been so long I don't recall).

Although it's been such a long time between my first proposal for parentScripts discussed with the Allegiant team for SuperCard and the xTalk world's first implementation in LC a few years ago, I've always held onto the belief that the feature's value would eventually be self-evident enough to see it happen in some xTalk or another.

Since parentScripts (or as they're now unfortunately/ambiguously called, "behaviors") are in effect class definitions, all these years I've been holding out hope of using "c" as an identifier for those class definition objects. And indeed, now that we finally have what LC calls behaviors, I use "c" that way, in the names of the objects holding a behavior script.

It's an admittedly small benefit, made even smaller by my habit of also coloring buttons with behavior scripts a bright yellow so they stand out even more. But sometimes that sort of OCD thing makes me happy.

So while LC's nomenclature may make "c" a more natural-seeming fit for what it calls "custom properties" for the feature that premiered in the xTalk world as "user-defined properties" in SuperCard, for my own code (and Ken's and some others as you've noted) I still use "u" for those, at long last able to use "c" for the purpose I'd always hoped for. :)

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
 ambassa...@fourthworld.com                http://www.FourthWorld.com

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