I just tried reproducing your actions and now I'm confused. All I did was
make a new stack, drag a field onto it, then put:

on mouseUp
put "hello" & cr after me
end mouseUp

When I left-click, nothing happens, even though I can double click to
select words and I can left-click-drag to highlight words.

When I right-click, the field's script runs and "hello" appears in the

The field doesn't even get "mouseUp" (or mouseDown for that matter) when I
left-click, but it does when I right-click.

I'm using 8dp13. Is that supposed to happen?

On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 7:14 PM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami <
bra...@hindu.org> wrote:

> @ Richard:
> I looked at the bug 8993 . The problem is... what does "loaded" actually
> mean?
> After two days of research, study and testing and responses here...
>  I *still* could not  figure it out (until now thanks to your tip on stack
> files)
> Indeed a serious confusion/conundrum for a new comer.
> Create script-only.livecode stack
> script "script-only"
> on mouseup
>    Put "Hello" into me
> end mouseup
> Save, open and apply as behavior to field. lock field, click on it..
> nothing happens. msg is not sent to the behavior script.
> put  this into preopenstack
> start using stack  "[path-to]/script-only.livecode"
> Now the madness begins: the stack accepts mousedown from *anywhere* on the
> UI and triggers an error, because "me" is not the field to which the
> behavior was applied.
>  changing the preopenstack handler to
> open stack  "[path-to]/script-only.livecode"
> does not "load" it as such.. it is open, You can see it if you were to set
> behaviors it is there in the dropdown menu under the inspector but the
> field that has it set as a behavior does not trigger the mouseup in the
> behavior stack script. Baffling for a newbie.
> IN the bug Mark Waddington writes: "I'm going to cease thinking of this as
> an enhancement request, and instead as a bug - the method used currently is
> too opaque."
> opaque is an understatement. Virtually Impenetrable may be better.
> Stack files Wow... that works!
> So why not just declared this asap  and very, very explicitly in the new
> documentation, ugly and as verbose as this appears, this is what we need:
> ---------
> "In order to use script only stacks  as behaviors in specific controls,
> these must be loaded as stack files so that they are placed into the
> message path along with the scripts of your main stack. In your main stack
> (or substacks that may use them)   Use the inspector, choose stack files
> and browse to choose your script on disk.
> Unlike button behaviors which are embedded in your stack, you must be sure
> to include these stacks later when you move, package or distribute your
> main stack. Also be aware that the main stack cannot track changes to the
> location of these stack files. If you move them on disk the reference to
> the stack will fail and you will need to update the stack files and point
> to the stack in it's new locations.
> Also note that it if you use "open" to open your script only stack file...
> it is still not in the message path and your behaviors will fail,
> furthermore, if you put "start using stack" (in an open stack,
> preopenstack  handler) to load your script only stack, it will receive all
> messages from the stack and not just from the child control to which it is
> assigned. e.g. if your intent is for the child control(s) to respond to "on
> mouseup"  this will not work if you do "start using" for your script-only
> stack."
> -----------
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