> On 23 Oct 2015, at 8:19 am, Richard Gaskin <ambassa...@fourthworld.com> wrote:
> How hard would it be to make a good text editor in LiveCode?

It might not be hard but probably take considerably more time than the time it 
takes to read this thread and has taken for @peter-b and contributors to put 
together the livecode language package for atom. It took much less time for me 
to develop the linter for example than I spend on debugging simple little 
syntax errors in livecode server scripts for example. The ROI was well worth it 
and with Atom covering the 3 desktop platforms it seemed a no brainer. I’m not 
doing much with LCB yet but I suspect getting live script errors in that will 
be a bit of a boon too. Whether folks use if as an alternative editor for stack 
scripts was not really my goal when making contributions but I’ve already found 
it useful for script only stacks.


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