
Take a look at the way the MasterLibrary Works. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3wpwn3hfbmpl7sk/MasterLibrary.livecode?dl=0 It has an infrastructure in place to add functions and handler to stacks. These can easily be turned into substacks. Feel free to copy with pride if it makes sense for your situation. The MasterLibrary was intended to be used for code that is re-used multiple times in many applications but it might give you some ideas. Unfortunately, the dependance graph is created manually. It would be really nice if I could figure that out dynamically, but it is what it is for now. Because of that it may be easier to build the libraries by hand is the code was not intended to be reusable reusable. Anyway, food for thought...

I just checked the size of the library and it is currently running at 12250 lines and I am only noticing a minor lag on loading the script into the editor. I guess I am going to add some new content to see if I run into the slow downs that you describe.

-= Mike

On 4/20/15 10:28 AM, Ray wrote:
I've got a stack script of over 15,000 lines. It's recently started running too slow to work with. Everything is painfully slow from plain typing to searches to scrolling. Stepping through lines with the debugger is almost impossible.

I start using this stack at launch so all other stacks in the project have access to the handlers.

Does anybody have any suggestions regarding splitting it up or something?

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