On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 3:39 AM, Richmond <richmondmathew...@gmail.com>

> On 14/04/15 18:17, Geoff Canyon wrote:
>> PencilCase <http://www.pencilcase.io> has a player app on iOS
>> <http://appstore.com/pencilcaseplayer> so you can:
>> 1. Design your app on a Mac
>> 2. Upload it to their system and get a code
>> 3. Give that code to anyone
>> 4. Anyone can install the PencilCase iOS app
>> 5. Anyone can put in your code to run your app immediately.
>> If they can do it, shouldn't LC be able to as well? Or is there something
>> I'm not thinking of?
>> _______________________________________________
> A few questions:
> 1.  "upload it to their system": well, who are 'they'?

The PencilCase team.

> 2. "Anyone can install the PencilCase iOS app": really? I'll try on my G3
> iMac running Mac OS 9.

It's an iOS app, as I stated, so I'm not sure what your objection is.

> 2.1. "Anyone can install the PencilCase iOS app": really? I'll try on my
> iPad 1.

This is a more reasonable objection, but the installed base of iPad 1s is
what percent of the total market at this point?

> Your "anyone" is about as good as Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat cake".

This seems like pointless criticism. Did I offend you somehow?

> WHY should LC be able to do "that:? The whole thing looks awfully
> restrictive
> and end-users (apart from being dependent on a iPad) need to install
> PencilCase.

Because it makes testing your iOS app almost trivial. In comparison to the
many hoops to jump through that iOS imposes in general.

> Now LC can distribute STANDALONES to all sorts of platforms.

PencilCase can create standalones as well. I was just curious about whether
something had changed such that a LiveCode player app, which would make
testing stacks on iOS much much easier, was possible.

> To my mind LC looks like a better bet.

I'm not comparing the two, I'm just curious about this bit of functionality
because it seems like something that, technically, LC is well capable of.
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