On 23 Jan 2015, at 04:42, Peter W A Wood <peterwaw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I found out that you don’t even need two buttons. Hitting one button twice 
> quickly will give the same effect.

I see this problem with one of my large LiveCode projects, but particularly on 
Windows systems. Some users double-click everything and sometimes this invokes 
the button script twice - which leads to all kinds of problems. I've had to set 
a flag or disable the button as the first action (and if you do the latter it 
used to stop the debugger - it wouldn't debug the script of what had 
effectively become a disabled button…).

> Regards
> Peter
>> On 23 Jan 2015, at 11:26, J. Landman Gay <jac...@hyperactivesw.com> wrote:
>> Suppose I have a long handler that includes a few "wait with messages" so 
>> that users can continue interacting with the stack while it runs. The user 
>> does something that calls the long handler while it is still running from a 
>> previous instance. Assume there is no flag in the script to prevent that.
>> Does the engine queue the second call until the long handler finishes, and 
>> then send the message from the second call (serial responses)?
>> Or does the engine run two instances of the long handler simultaneously? If 
>> so, what happens to the values of the variables?
>> Or something else?
>> I've never allowed this to happen before but I find myself in a position 
>> where simultaneous calls would be the best way to handle things.
>> -- 
>> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
>> HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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Phil Jimmieson  p...@liverpool.ac.uk  (UK) 0151 795 4236
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I used to sit on a special medical board... ...but now I use this ointment.

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