You think that is crazy, I just watched a commercial where you can take a 
stylus and hand write what you want, which is then converted to computer text. 
I have a much simpler, economically and environmentally superior way to 
accomplish this. It involves taking old wood scraps, smashing and pulverizing 
them, then mixing them with water and bleach and flattening the result out into 
great big sheets to dry. After that we can cut them up, and put some really 
dark thick dye into little tubes with a tiny ball bearing at the end, and then 
scrape the bearing over the slices of bleached wood pulp!

I agree there are some disadvantages, but it will be extremely cheap, 
universally compatible, multi lingual, and extremely resistant to shock, loss 
of power, storage failure and electromagnetic pulses.

Bob S

On Oct 28, 2014, at 06:47 , Peter M. Brigham 
<<>> wrote:

The idea that the same UI will work well on a little 5" phone screen and a 42" 
monitor is crazy. If Apple does this I will seriously consider moving to Linux. 
It used to be that Apple made stoves that you could just turn on and cook with, 
but increasingly they are making stoves that choose your cooking temperature 
and time for you and have hidden knobs the size of pushpins if you want to do 
anything different. It will take a really bad move on their part for me to go 
to a system where in order to cook dinner I have to collect the firewood, build 
a grill, and amass a collection of thermometers, but they look as if they might 
be getting there.

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