> I'll go out on a limb to put a date on it:  I believe the big 
> announcement at WWDC 2016 will be the end of both iOS and OS 
> X, and the start of a new OS to replace them both.
> So right now they're quietly laying the ground work....


A few years ago you and I talking about this, and I agree.

Apple will increase convergence devices in a way that won't intefere with
its ability to make money, much like it introduced Carbon / Cocoa to keep
developers developing for the Mac during that transition. 

We might get an announcement of a "neo-carbon" transitional period, but
after that we will see one OS and likely an ecosystem that is more like the
"curated" iOS than the "laissez faire" Mac OS.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

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