Mmmm, no I didn't.

The two moving objects are groups so I will give this a try tonight...

Thanks for the tip.

Nakia Brewer | Technology & Solutions Manager | Equipment Management Solutions
t: (02) 49645051 | m: 0458 713 547 | i:

  ACN 009 342 572

-----Original Message-----
From: use-livecode [] On Behalf Of 
J. Landman Gay
Sent: Tuesday, 20 May 2014 12:47 AM
To: How to use LiveCode
Subject: Re: LockMoves

Did you also set the layermode of the moving objects to "dynamic" ? 

On May 19, 2014 5:16:59 AM CDT, Nakia Brewer <> 
>Once I was home and could actually try this out on an actual device I 
>was sadly not as impressed as I was on the desktop.
>It all works like it should but it's just a little jittery whilst it's 
>making the moves... This was on an iPhone 5 so it would probably suffer 
>fairly bad on an even lower spec device.
>I have the acceleratedRendering enabled.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |

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