On 4/12/14, 7:35 AM, Graham Samuel wrote:
suppose my cross-platform app was designed to emulate a TV screen
(16:9 is the current ratio), how would that 'just work'?

The critical piece that isn't always clear is that the menu bar doesn't count as part of your display area; think of it in the same way as the window title bar. It does exist in the stack and takes up space there, but all content should be considered separately from that (it has to be, otherwise on Windows any objects above that will intersect with the menus.) To add a menu bar after the stack is already laid out, increase the height of the stack by the height of the menu group, move all your current content down that much, and put the menu bar group in the now-empty space at the top. The actual content area is still 16:9, and is the area below the menu group.

The menu builder tool will do the moving for you if you select the "set as stack menu bar" checkbox on a stack that doesn't have a menu assigned. Alternately you can use my "pushdown" handler to do it. First increase the height of the stack by the height of your menubar group. Then run this:

on pushDown tH,tY
  if tH = "" and tY = "" then
    ask "Enter horizontal and vertical offsets:" with "0,38"
    if it = "" then exit pushDown
    put item 1 of it into tH
    put item 2 of it into tY
  end if
  if tH = "" then put 0 into tH
  if tY = "" then put 0 into tY
  set cursor to watch
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of bgs
    set the left of bg x to the left of bg x + value(tH)
    set the top of bg x to the top of bg x + value(tY)
  end repeat
  repeat with x = 1 to the number of cds
    go cd x
    repeat with n = 1 to the number of cd controls
      set the left of cd control n to the left of cd control n + value(tH)
      set the top of cd control n to the top of cd control n + value(tY)
    end repeat
  end repeat
end pushDown

Call it from the message box this way:

  pushdown 0,27

If the menu is already in place, the handler will move it down with everything else so you'll have to drag it back up to the top. When that's done, you'll see that the actual display area is still the same proportions as before. On a Windows machine the menu will be in the stack window as required, and the ratio of the actual content area below it will be 16:9. On a Mac, the menu will scroll up out of view but the visible area will still be 16:9.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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