
You may be done with this whole issue, but one thing you might try is
verifying that your stack is actually removed from memory before testing
as you describe.  If the stack you're closing has a substack that doesn't
get closed, or there's some handler, pending message or other event
executing while trying to close the stack, it may appear closed but may
not get removed from memory.  Try checking the openStacks property, and
maybe a few others just to be sure.

"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It¹s the only way
to be sure."


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

On 3/20/13 2:07 PM, "Peter Haworth" <> wrote:

>Yep, that's my experience too.  Don't remember all the combinations I
>but here's the one that really surprised.
>1. Ran LC and opened my stack from within it.  Got the mouseUp problem.
>2. Closed the stack and opened it again from within LC.  All worked OK.
>3. Closed the stack and removed it from memory then opened it from within
>LC.  All worked OK!
>Step 3 is what really surprised me, I thought that should have had the
>result as step 1.
>It's as if preOpenCard doesn't quite work right the very first time it is
>executed in any stack in a run of LC, but ever after it's OK.

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