Do you pass the messages as well in your problem stack? i.e. pass preOpenCard, 

The IDE is dealing with a lot of things that a standalone isn't dealing with.

Just a thought,


-- Tom McGrath III

On Mar 20, 2013, at 5:07 PM, Peter Haworth <> wrote:

> Yep, that's my experience too.  Don't remember all the combinations I tried
> but here's the one that really surprised.
> 1. Ran LC and opened my stack from within it.  Got the mouseUp problem.
> 2. Closed the stack and opened it again from within LC.  All worked OK.
> 3. Closed the stack and removed it from memory then opened it from within
> LC.  All worked OK!
> Step 3 is what really surprised me, I thought that should have had the same
> result as step 1.
> It's as if preOpenCard doesn't quite work right the very first time it is
> executed in any stack in a run of LC, but ever after it's OK.
> On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 1:49 PM, <> wrote:
>> There is no such card (yet); the card just does not exist. However, also
>> in a new session, if you open another stack, and then open the test stack
>> from the finder, all is well.  So "preOpenCard" is invoked REALLY early,
>> but it seems to matter when and how it is invoked as well.
> Pete
> lcSQL Software <>
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