Not to minimize your point, it is a valid one, but Runrev has limited 
resources, and if they really fully documented everything as well as we would 
like, and make it as easily accessible as we would like, we might not see a lot 
of development work getting done. 

As for the web root access, that is a fairly commonly known principle for ALL 
web servers, ever since someone figured a way to use a web server to gain 
access to the server's file system. Some servers allow you to configure other 
folders outside the root, or alter what the root is, but it is common security 
policy to leave it as it is. 

As Dad used to say when he sent me to my room without supper, "You'll thank me 
later." Thanks Dad.


On Aug 29, 2012, at 10:56 AM, Gregory Lypny wrote:

> Thanks Andre, Mike, and Phil,
> I have it straight now.  Stacks go in the web server's root and only legacy 
> stacks will work.  Thank you also for your patience.  My Internet coding 
> abilities are primitive to say the least.
> If only the RunRev people would write documentation with some clarity.  It 
> would be pure coincidence to stumble upon the legacy part.  That's an untold 
> number of work hours lost!
> Regards,
> Gregory

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