I've found that 'export' is the key to getting around not having a 'save
as...'. Not a natural workflow to me, and I have to remember which apps are
and are not part of the 'new paradigm'.

Apple has suddenly decided that its user base are now helpless dumbasses
and we can't be trusted keep track of our own versions. I also hate the
loss of my custom icons showing in the sidebar anymore, replaced with
whitefaces icons of their choosing. Hey Apple, I created and used those
icons so I wouldn't screw up and do something to the wrong disk. Thanks a

Some of the stupid stuff that can be changed by command line can be also
changed by using the GUI helper Tinkertool.

For a while, I thought that "Reopen Applications and Windows" checkbox on
shutdown that was persisting was enforced, after the last update I see that
is was a bug. One of many.

For those that followed my 'spinning beachball' rants last week that
finally was 'fixed' by formatting a new drive, re-installing and using the
migration assistant to move hundreds of g of files to another drive - it
turns out that the problem was a BAD DRIVE that was slowly disintegrating.
This is the first hard drive failure I've had in several years since the
change to SATA and <300 gigabyte sizes. And I use a lot of drives. Still I
make mirrors of all my data/media drives regularly. Always work in pairs
(but not RAID, thank you...)

On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 11:28 AM, Peter Haworth <p...@lcsql.com> wrote:

> Thanks Bjornke.  I found the duplicate option and that works for me.  Most
> of the time, the simple save will be fine but I definitely have
Stephen Barncard
San Francisco Ca. USA

more about sqb  <http://www.google.com/profiles/sbarncar>
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