Hi Mark,
I'm still getting acquainted with Lion so you may be right.  I think there
is some srot of versioning system in Lion but I haven't learned anything
about it yet.  But even so, I needed to save a totally different version of
the file without affecting the original file so not sure the built-in
versioning would deal with that and make the special version easily
recognisable by name.

I had intended to use Lion for testing only by setting up a dual boot on my
Mac but it turned out I didn't have enough hard drive space left to create
a spearate partition for the dual boot setup.

lcSQL Software <http://www.lcsql.com>

On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Mark Schonewille <
m.schonewi...@economy-x-talk.com> wrote:

> Hi Pete,
> I thought there is a way to save different versions? I'm pretty sure I saw
> a way to save a version under a different name in Apple apps.
> I installed lion and decided to use it for testing only. It is not for me
> and continue to use Snow Leopard on my work machine. My next new work
> machine will run Linux.
> --
> Kind regards,
> Mark Schonewille
> Economy-x-Talk
> Http://economy-x-talk.com
> Share the clipboard of your computer over a local network with Clipboard
> Link http://clipboardlink.economy-x-talk.com
> Op 28 mei 2012 om 18:35 heeft Peter Haworth <p...@lcsql.com> het volgende
> geschreven:
> > I just upgraded to Lion a couple of days ago.  I thought I was suffering
> > from a bout of color blindness initially but then realised that Apple
> made
> > up for all that drab greyness but displaying lots more of of those pretty
> > colored, spinning beachballs. I'm guessing Lion needs more RAM for some
> > reason.
> >
> > I remember previous posts about this, but I miss the Save As ability.  It
> > seems that it's not totally disallowed in Lion since the LC Save As is
> > still there, but none of the Apple apps have it any more, at least the
> ones
> > I've tried (Garageband being the main one).  Is the concensus that Apple
> > will not permit a Save As action at some point in the future, like maybe
> > for apps submitted to the Mac App Store?
> >
> > Pete
> > lcSQL Software <http://www.lcsql.com>
> >
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