We may find ourselves coming full circle, where companies say to us as 
developers, "The web app we had designed for us is ok, but it lacks some 
features we simply cannot get from a web app. I need you to design a desktop 
app with mobile equivalents to do what our web app does, and then add these 


On May 25, 2012, at 7:20 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Igor de Oliveira Couto wrote:
> > I have been trying out LiveCode for about 3 weeks now, and I think
> > we may be able to offer an alternative to the client, with LiveCode.
> > The client can still keep their database on the shared host, but
> > instead of accessing it with web browsers, we can develop desktop
> > and iOS apps that will access this data remotely.
> Well said.
> At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the popularity of the app 
> stores for mobile platforms makes it pretty clear that Web-connected native 
> apps can be a valuable option to meet customers' needs.

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