Bravo, Igor.  This is exactly how I see it.  But thanks to Andre and
the others for making really good points.  (I'd never heard of
AngularJS, so I'm going to look into it).

I'd bet 99.99% of developers have never heard of Livecode.  Without a
massive advertising campaign, I don't see them galloping in here.

If you want to provide something that requires zero installation
resistance, then the web is your platform.

Once you get over that installation resistance, then Livecode shines.
And what we are seeing with the apps markets on the various mobile
devices is that end-users are getting over the installation


On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 10:14 AM, Igor de Oliveira Couto
<> wrote:
> Unfortunately, there is no denying that web development IS a complex and ugly 
> beast. You *are* dealing with a variety of languages, both on the client 
> side, and on the server side. You deal with a variety of frameworks. And you 
> have to use a variety of programming techniques, philosophies and approaches. 
> Some of the frameworks worth mentioning:
> For me, the main problem is that the BROWSER was never designed to be a 
> platform for application development in the first place. It was meant to be 
> only a content-delivery tool. We are using all these tools to try to make the 
> browser 'turn' into a platform for delivering 'desktop-quality' app - and, 
> honestly, the browser can get close to it, but it is just not the same. Just 
> because you *can* programme a solution as a web app, does not mean that it is 
> the best solution. In my experience, it very rarely is. There *are* problems, 
> always, even if you follow all the 'best-practices'.
> See, I don't want to get into LiveCode so I can produce web apps. I want to 
> get into LiveCode so I can at least *reduce* the number of web apps I 
> produce, because I honestly feel that they are a poor solution to many of the 
> problems that the clients want to use them to address.
> With this in mind, I have to agree with the original poster, that I do not 
> really see much point in 'Revlets' - because what attracts me most about 
> LiveCode is precisely the fact that I can might be able to get my clients to 
> move their business processes *away* from the browser, and back into a 
> desktop (or an iPad) app, where they belong. I believe browsers will keep 
> evolving, and will become better and better at content delivery, but I don't 
> think my browser will be the development platform of the future. It seems to 
> me that LiveCode already offers a simpler, more manageable and 'sane' way to 
> build apps that offer the same flexibility of web apps, but simpler, easier 
> to develop and manage, and providing results that are often more secure and 
> offer better interactivity to the user.

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