I think what broke Smart properties was that some of the newer properites
in never versions are multi-dimensional - and SP was written early in the

On 20 March 2012 15:03, stephen barncard <stephenrevoluti...@barncard.com>wrote:

> I made an attempt at 'fixing' Smart properties a while back, but found
> it's not as simple as it might seem to be. Three objects created for each
> property in real time made to scroll together and some other trickery going
> on. It's a project I do want to tackle one of these days.
> On 19 March 2012 15:34, stephen barncard 
> <stephenrevoluti...@barncard.com>wrote:
>> JIm, I'm a fan of Mr. Rinaldi as well - he supplied the first serial
>> xcmds for hypercard back in 89 -
>> however I can't get Smartproperties to work these days - have you used it
>> lately?
>> sqb
>> On 19 March 2012 14:57, Jim Hurley <jhurley0...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>>> Pete,
>>> Yes, my feeling exactly. It looks like there was a conscious effort to
>>> omit the foregroundColor  for the slider (and scollbar as well). I was
>>> worried that it was to be deprecated.
>>> (I wasn't concerned about ALL the properties being in the Inspector. It
>>> is odd, however, that there is a place for the foreGroundColor property, an
>>> icon but no defining text, but no way to access it. I suspect RR got
>>> distracted while implementing the slider Inspector.)
>>> You might want to check out Richard's 4wProps (under the
>>> Development/Plugins menu). Easy access to all the properties.
>>> Occasionally I have found (legendary) Renaldi's SmartProperties
>>> invalueable. It allows one to compare side by side the properties to two
>>> objects. It is valuable in finding out why two, apparently identical,
>>> controls behave or look different.
>>> Jim Hurley
>>> > Message: 24
>>> > Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 11:42:46 -0700
>>> > From: Pete <p...@mollysrevenge.com>
>>> > To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com>
>>> > Subject: Re: Text formatting for a slider
>>> > Message-ID:
>>> >       <CABx6j9mAJJtKUZneWCna5tP7fWxUMBvH7LqBsvxZgbJ=
>>> ybd...@mail.gmail.com>
>>> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>>> >
>>> > Yeah, but that displays all possible properties of any object.  The
>>> > "properties" property of an object gets you an array of properties for
>>> a
>>> > specific object.  Still a long list mind you, and not a complete list
>>> > either according to the dictionary.
>>> >
>>> > I think you're probably right that it would make the inspector windows
>>> very
>>> > unwieldy to include all properties.  The problem is that by leaving
>>> some of
>>> > them out, arbitrarily, it gives the impression that they aren't
>>> available,
>>> > especially to new users.  I remember when I first started using LC and
>>> > wanted to set the behavior of an option menu button - there's no
>>> inspector
>>> > window behavior field so I just assumed it wasn't possible for some
>>> reason
>>> > and went down a different, much more complicated path.
>>> >
>>> > Seems like it would have been trivial to include one more option in the
>>> > inspector option menu for "All Properties" or something similar.  I
>>> ended
>>> > up writing my own plugin to show all the properties of a selected
>>> object
>>> > and allow me to change any of them.
>>> >
>>> > Pete
>>> >
>>> > On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 11:09 AM, Richmond <
>>> richmondmathew...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> On 03/19/2012 06:05 PM, Jim Hurley wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>> I have a slider in which the showValue is set to true.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Unfortunately, the card background is gray and the black slider
>>> value is
>>> >>> very difficult to read.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> The inspector for the slider does not display an option for the
>>> >>> foreground color. Why not?
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Using 4W Properties (thank you RIchard) the foreground color is
>>> listed as
>>> >>> an option (and can be changed there, or from the msg box.)
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Why this omission in the Inspector? (LC version 4 AND 5.)
>>> >>>
>>> >>
>>> >> Almost all object have a vast number of options that one can fiddle
>>> around
>>> >> with; the Props Inspector only
>>> >> displays a subset of them; why? I don't know, but I can hazard a
>>> guess:
>>> >>
>>> >> a Props Inspector that displayed ALL the props of each object might
>>> be so
>>> >> unwieldy as to be virtually unusable.
>>> >>
>>> >> "Just for fun" . . .
>>> >>
>>> >> Set up a new stack with a scrollingListField field called "PROPPS"
>>> >>
>>> >> and try this in the MessageBox:
>>> >>
>>> >> put the propertyNames into fld "PROPPS"
>>> >>
>>> >> and "blow your mind" . . .   :)
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Jim
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>>> >>
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>> --
>> Stephen Barncard
>> San Francisco Ca. USA
>> more about sqb  <http://www.google.com/profiles/sbarncar>
> --
> Stephen Barncard
> San Francisco Ca. USA
> more about sqb  <http://www.google.com/profiles/sbarncar>


Stephen Barncard
San Francisco Ca. USA

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