On 03/19/2012 06:05 PM, Jim Hurley wrote:
I have a slider in which the showValue is set to true.

Unfortunately, the card background is gray and the black slider value is very 
difficult to read.

The inspector for the slider does not display an option for the foreground 
color. Why not?

Using 4W Properties (thank you RIchard) the foreground color is listed as an 
option (and can be changed there, or from the msg box.)

Why this omission in the Inspector? (LC version 4 AND 5.)

Almost all object have a vast number of options that one can fiddle around with; the Props Inspector only
displays a subset of them; why? I don't know, but I can hazard a guess:

a Props Inspector that displayed ALL the props of each object might be so unwieldy as to be virtually unusable.

"Just for fun" . . .

Set up a new stack with a scrollingListField field called "PROPPS"

and try this in the MessageBox:

put the propertyNames into fld "PROPPS"

and "blow your mind" . . .   :)

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