I'm looking at the docs for Eclipse and I see "safe rename." Is that what
you're talking about? Out of curiosity does it mean that when you rename
something, it goes through all your source files looking for references to
that thing, and changes them?

I understand that this is nitpicking, but I think FileMaker does something
more robust. At least I think it does, I could be wrong. When FileMaker
stores your script, it stores within it any references to tables, columns,
scripts, etc., by some underlying id, not by name. Then, when it is time to
display the script to you in the editor, it re-constitutes the names at
that point. In any case, there is only the one tool for renaming things,
and it always does the right thing.

As I said, I could be wrong about how FileMaker does it. But by comparison,
I'm fairly confident that in Eclipse what's going on is that, if you use
the appropriate tool, you can not break things by renaming them because the
tool will run around to all the source files and rename things for you.

So while it is possible to not break names in other tools, in FileMaker it
is literally impossible (other than if there is a bug, obviously) to break

That said, I'd love to have in LC what Eclipse and Visual Studio have.


On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 8:38 PM, Mark Wieder <mwie...@ahsoftware.net> wrote:

> Both Visual Studio and Eclipse support that for refactoring. And yes,
> I miss it here.
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