On 12/13/11 5:09 PM, Sieg Lindstrom wrote:

I'll say up front the details of text encoding are not my strong suit. With
earlier versions (RunRev 4.x and earlier), I'd sometimes have to write
special routines to search and replace certain characters from the pasted
text. For example, the em-dash, "‹" (chartonum 209), which after pasting
from Word was seen by RunRev as two characters (a two-byte character?),
numtochar of 32 followed by numtochar of 20 so I wrote a routine to just
search and replace to numToChar of 209. My new problem is that with LiveCode
5.0x (I just upgraded to 5.02), the em-dash if pasted from a Word file
instantly disappears from the text.

Someone once posted a function to the list that translates Word text to useable LiveCode text. I saved it but haven't ever tried it. I wish I'd also recorded who wrote it:

function revText theText
   return unidecode(uniencode(theText,"utf8"))
end revText

Use that on the clipboard contents and see if it does what you need.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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