Hello Pete,

For a while I shipped an app that used XSpell < 
http://lestang.org/spip.php?article51 >  an osax AppleScript extension that 
gives access to Apple's spell check engine. Obviously it isn't cross platform 
and requires a bit of scripting but it did handle the (for me) tough part of 
returning phonetic suggestions.  Of course you can do that with the 
RunRevPlanet spell checker just as easily.

Here is some code that might give you a start on rolling your own using the 
RunRevPlanet spell checker.

constant kMain = "ShortNameOfYourMainStack"
global gTheSpell, gSpellField, gSpellDiff, gSkipList
local lAlphaWindow  -- the target stack for displaying the semi-transparent 
message in
local lTargetField -- the field that is getting spell checked

   command SpellCheck
         set the cursor to watch -- this might take a bit of time on older 
         put empty into gSkipList
         put empty into gTheSpell
         put empty into lAlphaWindow
         put empty into lTargetField
         if the platform is "MacOS" then -- Mac
            -- promote a selection even if they forgot to click in the Text 
Entry field
            -- depending on the app you might want to just exit out here if 
there is no selection
            if (the selectedField is empty) and (not the vis of grp 
"preferences") then
               select before char 1 of fld "sentenceEntry" of stack kMain
            end if
            if the selectedField is empty then
               answer "I'm not sure what you would like checked." & cr & "Click 
the cursor into the text you want me to look at." as sheet
               exit to top
            end if
            put the long name of the selectedField into gSpellField
         else  -- Win32
            -- promote a selection even if they forgot to click in the Sentence 
Entry field
            if ( the selectedChunk is empty) and (not the vis of grp 
"preferences") then
               select before char 1 of fld "sentenceEntry" of stack kMain 
            end if
            put the selectedChunk into tSelectedChunk
            if tSelectedChunk is empty then
               answer "I'm not sure what you would like checked." & cr & "Click 
the cursor into the text you want me to look at."
               exit to top
            end if
            select tSelectedChunk
            put the long name of the selectedField into gSpellField
         end if
         if gSpellField is empty then exit to top -- I don't think this could 
happen here--
         --         -- set up for reinserting the cursor once we are finsihed 
checking ----------
         --         -- we will put the cursor after the last corrected word 
         --         -- if no corrections are made then we will return it to the 
original selection
         set the uLastSelectedChar of stack "rrpSpellCheck" to empty
         put the selectedChunk into tSelectedText
         set the uOriginalCursorLocation of stack "rrpSpellCheck" to (word 2 of 
tSelectedText) &comma& (word 4 of tSelectedText) -- startChar,endChar
         -- try and use the RunRevPlanet SpellChecker
         put the short name of the selectedField into pShortFieldName
         -- this next line thanks to Bill Marriott
         put word 2 of (char offset(" stack" && quote,gSpellField) to -1 of 
gSpellField) into tStackThatOwnsTheField
         replace QUOTE with empty in tStackThatOwnsTheField --> MyStackName  
--> for testing against a list of stack names
         call "SpellCheckWithStylesModal" &&  pShortFieldName && 
tStackThatOwnsTheField of stack "rrpSpellCheck"
         -- give the user some feedback if there weren't any misspelled words
         -- they might wonder if the spell check actually happened
         -- since the correction window never opened
         if the cNoSpellingErrors of stack "rrpSpellCheck" then
            if not there is a grc "semiTransparentMessage" of this cd of stack 
tStackThatOwnsTheField then
               put tStackThatOwnsTheField into lAlphaWindow
               put pShortFieldName into lTargetField
            end if
         end if
         put empty into gSpellField -- used as a check by other objects 
(stacks) to see if a spelling window is still open
end SpellCheck

on fadeSemiTransparentMessage  -- this code likely originated with Scott Rossi
   if version() < 2.7 then
      delete fld "SemiTransparentFld" of this cd of stack lAlphaWindow
      delete grc "semiTransparentMessage" of this cd of stack lAlphaWindow
      exit fadeSemiTransparentMessage
   end if
   set the blendLevel of fld "SemiTransparentFld"  of this cd of stack 
lAlphaWindow to (the blendLevel of fld "SemiTransparentFld"  of this cd of 
stack lAlphaWindow) + 10
   set the blendLevel of grc "semiTransparentMessage" of this cd of stack 
lAlphaWindow to (the blendLevel of grc "semiTransparentMessage" of this cd of 
stack lAlphaWindow) + 10
   if the blendLevel of grc "semiTransparentMessage" of this cd of stack 
lAlphaWindow >=90 then
      delete fld "SemiTransparentFld" of this cd of stack lAlphaWindow
      delete grc "semiTransparentMessage" of this cd of stack lAlphaWindow
      put the uOriginalCursorLocation of stack "rrpSpellCheck" into 
      select char (item 1 of tSelectionChars) to (item 2 of tSelectionChars) of 
fld lTargetField of stack lAlphaWindow
      exit fadeSemiTransparentMessage
   end if
   send "fadeSemiTransparentMessage" to me in 20 millisecs
end fadeSemiTransparentMessage

on BuildSemiTransparentMessage
   put the defaultStack into tOldDefaultStack
   set the defaultStack to lAlphaWindow
   set name of the templategraphic to "semiTransparentMessage"
   set backColor of the templategraphic to black
   set lineSize of the templategraphic to 0
   set style of the templategraphic to roundrect
   set opaque of the templategraphic to true
   set width of the templategraphic to 320
   set height of the templategraphic to 60
   if version() >= 2.7 then
      set the blendLevel of the templategraphic to 50
   else -- version 2.6.1
      set the backColor of the templategraphic to 180,180,180
      if the platform is "MacOS"  then 
         set the ink of the templategraphic to "admin"
         set the ink of the templategraphic to srcAnd
      end if
   end if -- version 2.6.1
   set the loc of the templategraphic to the loc of fld lTargetField of stack 
   create grc
   reset the templategraphic
   set name of the templatefield to "SemiTransparentFld" --SemiTransparentFld
   set borderWidth of the templatefield to 0
   set opaque of the templatefield to false
   set width of the templatefield to 320
   set height of the templatefield to 50
   set textFont of the templatefield to (the uScreenFont of stack kMain)
   set textSize of the templatefield to 24
   set textColor of the templatefield to white
   set textAlign of the templatefield to center
   set loc of the templatefield to loc of grc "semiTransparentMessage"
   set the text of the templatefield to "No errors were found."
   create fld
   send "fadeSemiTransparentMessage" to me in 1 sec
   reset the templatefield
   set the defaultStack to tOldDefaultStack
end BuildSemiTransparentMessage

Scott Morrow

Elementary Software
(Now with 20% less chalk dust!)
web       http://elementarysoftware.com/
email     sc...@elementarysoftware.com
office     1-800-615-0867

On Oct 27, 2011, at 5:33 PM, Pete wrote:

> Thanks Paul.  The thing is, OS X has a spell checker built into it so I
> guess I'm really looking for any info on how to hook into that from
> Livecode.  Most applications have a "Spelling and Grammar" entry in the Edit
> menu, and you can also control-click or right click a word for suggested
> corrections.
> Pete
> Molly's Revenge <http://www.mollysrevenge.com>
> On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 3:19 PM, Paul Dupuis <p...@researchware.com> wrote:
>> Pete,
>> See http://runrev.com/store/product/runrevplanet-spell-2_0/
>> On 10/27/2011 5:01 PM, Pete wrote:
>>> Almost every Mac program that allows text entry allows you to correct
>>> spelling by right-clicking on a word but it doesn't happen in LC text
>>> fields.  Any ideas as to how to implement this?  I'm assuming there must
>> be
>>> some sort of spell checker built in to OS X.
>>> Pete
>>> Molly's Revenge <http://www.mollysrevenge.com>
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