> M> I’m happy, the client is happy and AI is, erm, indifferent :D.
> Good job!
> > coding in LC 9.0.2 as I am disillusioned by 10 and the future of LC.
> Why LC 9.0.2 vs 9.6?
> Best wishes,
> Curry Kenworthy

Ah, yes. I meant 5.0.2.  The early stages of Dementia are not so kind. This was 
the last fully paid, non-subscription engine my client uses. I have 5.5.5 but 
he did get on with that for some reason I forget. 

We did try upgrading the whole system to v9 but that is where/when our whole 
overall issues with LC, particularly with the promises for web deployment, came 
to head, I ended up in hospital, lost my business to the gov who took 
everything and I ended up having to sell the house and move 700 miles away to 
start again. And so here I am, in the highlands of Scotland, working as a night 
porter and the occasional tidbits of software jobs I get from this old client. 

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