When I was young (a long time ago) the company I was with hired a new graphics 
designer. All he knew was the conventional method for prepress and he designed 
all his art accordingly. 

When I told him about the new Digital Prepress he told me that it still could 
not be done, because his professor at Orange Coast college had told him that it 
was at least 10 years off. 

So I designed the next book cover and produced it using digital prepress 
through a service bureau, which impressed him greatly. Now a great deal f what 
he produces for publishing is done with software. He never uses “art boards” 
anymore because it simply isn’t necessary. 

There aren’t many graphic artists left who actually understood the process of 
producing the film and plates for CMYK printing, which involved underexposing 
or overexposing different elements of the graphic layout in order to avoid thin 
white lines around objects because the film or plates never aligned precisely. 

The knowledge is now almost completely lost, so that if the technology of 
digital prepress is ever lost or unavailable, it’s doubtful anyone would know 
how or have the equipment to perform the task in the old conventional way. 

I fear the same thing may end up happening with AI and not just with 
programming. We already have the phenomenon of people not being able to think 
for themselves, but simply believing what “experts” tell them is true about a 
given subject or issue. With the advent of AI, I think we can expect this 
effect to increase dramatically. 

Artificial Intelligence is precicely that: Artificial. It’s really only a mask 
hiding the fact that real people are providing input to train a recursive 
algorithm to favor one outcome over another. It’s just people saying, “Not 
thus, but thus.”

Bob S

> On Mar 6, 2025, at 8:22 PM, Pi Digital via use-livecode 
> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> I’m glad to hear you both manage just fine without assistance in your coding.
> For me, where a quick turnaround was welcomed, having something like AI take 
> away about a days worth of research, typing and trial & error made the job 
> faster, more productive and profitable. This job was way more than just this 
> piece of script and I was able to complete faster than ever, faster than 
> humanly possible before AI assistance. 
> I’m happy, the client is happy and AI is, erm, indifferent :D. Free slave 
> labour. Watch out for the uprising for AI equal rights :)
> Sean Cole
> Pi Digital
>> On 7 Mar 2025, at 00:35, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode 
>> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>>> On 07/03/2025 00:04, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:
>>> Your supposition is incorrect. We are not ALL using these gadgets. I for 
>>> one never will.
>>> Bob S
>> I almost agree. I don't have any trouble coding what I need in LC.
>> Now if I could ask ChatGPT to organise all the relevant tools and build me 
>> an IOS version of my apps, then I might be interested :-)
>> Alex.
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