David V Glasgow wrote:
> I am trying to alphabetically sort a list of unique strings, some of
> which have a leading space character. I need these to sort as if the
> second character is the first character rather than all space prefixed
> strings being bunched together.
Would using the word delimited type help with this? e.g.:
sort lines of field 1 by word 1 to -1 of each
> I just had a hilarious conversation with ChatGPT on this challenge.
> We ended up having a disagreement about whether a keyword “ignoring”
> exists in Livecode. Please tell me it doesn’t.
I don't recall having seen an "ignoring" keyword in LiveCode.
But I have seen countless articles about Vincent Cerf, Mark Cuban, Steve
Wozniak, and a great many others much smarter than me cautioning against
making any investment in ChatGPT for serious work involving precision
and accuracy.
Once you see it's a caffeinated auto-complete, the useful and less
useful applications for a tool that literally can't understand a single
word it spits out become clearer.
This background from Stephen Wolfram is helpful:
ChatGPT is fascinating, but since this isn't the first time we've been
through the Gartner hype cycle with an "AI" tech (I first joined AAAI
back when Expert Systems were a thing), even more fascinating has been
watching humans forget that the Trough of Disillusionment will happen
before we eventually reach the Plateau of Productivity.
Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems
Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
ambassa...@fourthworld.com http://www.FourthWorld.com
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