I am trying to alphabetically sort a list of unique strings, some of which have 
a leading space character.  I need these to sort as if the second character is 
the first character rather than all space prefixed strings being bunched 
I just had a hilarious conversation with ChatGPT on this challenge  We ended up 
having a disagreement about whether a keyword “ignoring” exists in Livecode.  
Please tell me it doesn’t.  (although even if it does, I don’t think it helps 
me with my task)

Anyway, I did learn something, but not whether there is an elegant way to do 

I can see how I could extract strings starting with a space, replace the first 
character with the second character, combine the lists, sort, then replace the 
doctored strings with the space prefixed originals.  

However, I couldn’t help but wonder if there is a better  solution.


Best wishes,

David G
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