
You are correct; I missed that the “long iD” was used, and that expression 
includes the work “field”. LC can then use that as a valid reference.


> On Jun 28, 2022, at 5:38 PM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode 
> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> You can find the definition of both send and dispatch in the dictionary. 
> So an example of Dispatch being called from a card of a substack would be: 
> put the long id of me into tParentCard
> dispatch extract to card "Main" of stack "Forms Generator" with tRecordA, 
> tParentCard, tExclusions
> -- if however extract is in the message path for everything, such as in a 
> library or back/front script, dispatch is not needed
> -- but there's nothing wrong with using it
> extract tRecordA, tParentCard, tExclusions
> -- aRecordData is an array you want to populate with the field contents of 
> pParentCard
> -- pParentCard is the long id of the target card containing field, button and 
> menu objects
> -- pExclusions is a comma delimited list of object names you want to pass over
> on extract @aRecordData, pParentCard, pExclusions
>   -- store object values in aRecordData
>   put the text of field "fldCustomerName" of pParentCard into aRecordData 
> ["customername"]
>   put the hilited of button "btnActive" of pParentCard into aRecordData 
> ["active"]
>   put the label of button "mnuCategories" of pParentCard into aRecordData 
> ["category"]
>   ...
>   -- no need to return anything in this example because aRecordData is passed 
> by reference
> end extract
> Bob S
>> On Jun 28, 2022, at 12:49 , Peter Bogdanoff via use-livecode 
>> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>> Hi Bob,
>> I need more detail how to word the command. No need to send in time, just 
>> how to call that function on a card not in the message path. Thanks!
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