Hi folks

I have an app in which tooltips are generally off.  I also have a button menu 
which allows the selection of equality/inequelity.  Users are non technical, 
and on selection (i.e. not the usual hover) I wanted to pop up a brief tooltip 
describing the selected item in ordinary language (irrespective of whether 
tooltips are globally on or off):

on menuPick pChosenItem
   set the label of me to pChosenitem
      case pChosenItem = "="
         set the tooltip of me to "Equals"
      case pChosenItem = "≤"
         set the tooltip of me to  “Is at least"
      case pChosenItem = "≅"
         set the tooltip of me to “Is approximately"
   end switch
   set the tooltipdelay to 500
   show the tooltip of me
   set the tooltip delay to 0
end menuPick

It seems  show the tooltip of me isn’t a thing.  I appreciate that I could show 
and hide an ordinary field, but I wondered if I have overlooked a suitable 
message and/or syntax that will enable what I want. 

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Honorary Professor, Nottingham Trent University (SOCAMRU)
Consultant Forensic & Clinical Psychologist
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
Director, Child & Family Training, York

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