
Yes, building standalones is a huge problem. I think that when a single 
platform standalone is created, the state Livecode ends up in ought to be the 
state Livecode started in before you built the standalone. This does not seem 
to be the case. Stacks opened during the build process seem to remain open, but 
are the versions that were saved when building the standalone, and NOT the ones 
belonging to the project. Try building a Windows AND a MacOS standalone in a 
single pass. 

Of course, it's easy for me to imagine how this could be done, but I suppose 
like most things, it's harder than I imagine. 

Bob S

> On Oct 7, 2021, at 07:26 , Craig Newman via use-livecode 
> <> wrote:
> RE: the “purge/save/cancel” thing.
> I see this exactly twice whenever I build a standalone for a particular 
> project. Even in a new session, if the first thing I do is build a standalone 
> from the splash stack, I will twice get a dialog during the process asking me 
> the three questions. I always “purge”, and always everything works out fine.
> But the only stack I open in that new session is the splash stack itself, 
> running the build directly from there. 
> The splash stack opens a mainStack in normal operation, and this may have 
> something to do with the presentation of the dialog.
> Craig

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