> On 7 Oct 2021, at 15:49, Mark Waddingham via use-livecode 
> <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> Indeed, is this a multi-stack system which you are working on? Is there a way 
> your code (which is being triggered somehow after save) is referencing the 
> stack you just saved as, by its original filename?

It is a multi-stack system for sure. 114 substacks, 840 cards, 90,039 objects 
and counting. 

The stacks and cards only every reference themselves as ‘me’ or ‘this’. The 
preopenstack has a bunch of references to ‘start using stack “whatever”’ to run 
as libraries I’ve written. And then the openstack uses a dispatch to run a 
script from one of these libraries, closely followed by a ‘send “blah” to 
“aLib” in 0 sec with messages’ just to finish up. 

There is a preclosestack which is intentionally empty. The preopenCard and 
openCard of the first card in the mainStack only recall data from one of the 
library stacks into globals. Then runs a centreMe handler from the mainStack 
script which is just a ‘set the loc of this stack to the screenloc’. 

And that is it. No closeStack handler. 

I can reproduce it every time I do a saveAs. 

The ‘save/purge/cancel’ is only intuitive to you it seems because you 
understand the background. It doesn’t seem to make sense to us (and certainly 
not a newcomer) because we have only our experience from other software to go 
on and how we expect it to work. If we do a saveAs in any other ware, we would 
never see a purge option. Maybe just an ‘are you sure’ or a ‘this will have 
this kind of effect’ warning. So we would never expect this kind of behaviour 
from software and know what to do with it. Hence the immediate initial 
responses to my OP (which were hilarious by the way, much needed light relief). 

Thanks yet again. 


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