I would put it up as a free trial that expires after a while, because once 
people have the free app, you cannot make them pay for it, and I think you will 
find that after the first surge of users, the subscribers will drop off pretty 

If you ever expect to sell it, I would start that way right from the git go. 
People take offense at paying for something that yesterday they got for 

If you still intend to pursue the free model, then offer a scaled down one and 
call it "lite" with some of the really cool handy features people will want 
most in the "Pro" version. 

my 2ยข


On Jun 3, 2011, at 10:39 AM, Andy Henshaw wrote:

> I have just had my first Livecode iPhone app using externals (sqllite) 
> approved for the App Store.
> The App is 'Tracker2Go' ( 
> http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tracker2go/id433038944?mt=8&ls=1 )  if anyone 
> wants a look,  it uses the sqlite databases,  datagrid, internet search, 
> animation engine, charts engine and Scotts  Rossis pie chart controls.  Ive 
> also used the iOS native text fields, iOS browser window (for the exercise 
> and food input spinning wheel), iOS scrollers and network reachability so as 
> a more 'utility' app rather than game style I think ive used most of the new 
> toys currently at disposal!
> I know there has been a lot of topics on datagrids and scroller performance,  
> so im leaving the app as 'free' in the App store for now so anyone wanting to 
> compare the performance of the scrollers can see how it stacks up,  I don't 
> think its too bad in the end.
> There is still so much more I have to do with the App, iPad next,  then 
> localisation and if Ports come along Ill add a desktop sync,  but as a 
> starting point,  and my first 'real' iOS app built with Livecode im quite 
> pleased with it.
> Andy
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