
I'm catching up on emails and I was reading this email while allowing my students to work in small groups on their final project, and when I read your definition of IT I literally laughed out loud. The week before I did a lecture on computerized voting machines, known as DREs, and as I was looking at the "slides" in thumbnail view, I couldn't see that I'd actually spelled it out. Not knowing that, I googled DRE to make certain. Top result? Dr. Dre. Next different result? Digital Rectal Examination. Its been a humorous 7 days at work.

I positively loathe it whenever I hear of K-12, especially K-6, students being forced to use PPT. Fortunately, that hasn't happened yet with my kids as the billions of US dollars spent to put 3 to 5 crappy semi-functional Dells into every classroom don't really ever get used.

Larry Cuban's book "Oversold and Underused: Computers in the Classroom" ( is unfortunately a pretty damning indictment.

Oh, and be happy that your IT moron wasn't asking you how to install Microsoft Encarta. Now, THAT's a real turd.


On Sat, 19 Mar 2011, Richmond wrote:


Powerpoint does command . . .

My 2 boys have to 'do' presentations for school, and, as we run a 100% Microsoft-clean environment at home (well, except for the box that Daddy hides under the bed with Windows XP for Beta testing his "Sanskrit nonsense" - see what I mean about 'all-pervasive) they are forced, to use either OOO Present or LibreOffice to produce Powerpoint compatible slide-shows to
run on the crappy machines at school.

The "IT" teacher at their school (who rang me up once because he didn't know how to install an Encyclopedia Britannica DVD on their machines) won't let the boys run a Livecode standalone for Windows from a CD or a USB stick. And, bye-the-bye; in the English-speaking section of Plovdiv English Language School (my boys are in the German section) "IT" stands for "It's Turd".


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