Unfortunately, in this Windows-centric world
[ and here, parenthetically, as it IS Saturday night, I shall have one
of my 'pomposities'; so, if you cannot take either my 'heat' or my
bullshit, skip
this bit . . . :)
What annoys me most about Windows is that it has become so all pervasive
GNOME, KDE and Mac are playing catchup to their rather inferior way of doing
things. and . . . RISC OS has almost gone down the toilet of bad
history, when it
really was, for quite a time, better than anything else.
end of pompous rant.]
Powerpoint does command . . .
My 2 boys have to 'do' presentations for school, and, as we run a 100%
environment at home (well, except for the box that Daddy hides under the
bed with Windows
XP for Beta testing his "Sanskrit nonsense" - see what I mean about
'all-pervasive) they are forced,
to use either OOO Present or LibreOffice to produce Powerpoint
compatible slide-shows to
run on the crappy machines at school.
The "IT" teacher at their school (who rang me up once because he didn't
know how to install
an Encyclopedia Britannica DVD on their machines) won't let the boys run
a Livecode standalone
for Windows from a CD or a USB stick. And, bye-the-bye; in the
English-speaking section of
Plovdiv English Language School (my boys are in the German section) "IT"
stands for "It's Turd".
My 2 boys are perfectly happy with Livecode/RR on their Ubuntu box, and
get fairly
cheesed-off with having to do substandard stuff all the time.
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