On 16.12.2010 at 19:29 Uhr -0400 william humphrey apparently wrote:
My math skills are terrible but this is something I can do in excel but
which should also be easy to do with a nested array in livecode. I want to
build a function that returns the numbers that are out of sequence in a list
of numbers. Say you are given (3,4,5,6,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,13,14) and the
function should return:

(1,2,11 - missing)
(6,13 - duplicate)

Can someone please help me write this function?

Thanks in advance.

A quickie:

function getMissingNumbers pNumberList
  put empty into vOccurences
  repeat for each item vNumber in pNumberList
    add 1 to vOccurences[vNumber]
  end repeat
  get the keys of vOccurences
  sort lines of it numeric
  put line -1 of it into vLargestNumber
  put empty into vMissing
  repeat with i=1 to vLargestNumber
    if vOccurences[i] is empty then put i & comma after vMissing
  end repeat
  delete char -1 of vMissing
  return vMissing
end getMissingNumbers

function getDuplicateNumbers pNumberList
  put empty into vOccurences
  repeat for each item vNumber in pNumberList
    add 1 to vOccurences[vNumber]
  end repeat
  get the keys of vOccurences
  sort lines of it numeric
  put line -1 of it into vLargestNumber
  put empty into vDuplicate
  repeat with i=1 to vLargestNumber
    if vOccurences[i] > 1 then put i & comma after vDuplicate
  end repeat
  delete char -1 of vDuplicate
  return vDuplicate
end getDuplicateNumbers

You can of course combine these functions returning each set of values in a separate line or as an array. If you actually want to check for numbers that are out of sequence, the above won't do.


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